Using Cryo and Thermal shock at varying times and frequencies, T Shock CryoSculpting can eliminate fat, reduce cellulite, and tighten loose skin.

Our state-of-the-art Adicell thermographic technology allows us to create a customized plan to eliminate fat from the body. The Adicell provides a visual interpretation to assess where a client has hard and soft fat in order to make professional treatment recommendations. Thermal imaging plates are placed on the part of the body the client wants a treatment. These plates allow us to see the heat signature of the underlying tissues, highlight the presence or absence o fthe typical signs of cellulite and types of adiposity in vairous parts of the body.

This comprehensive cellular analysis of your body composition allows us to address the areas that need the most attention. This customization is what sets us apart – allowing you to feel better and look your best!

Luxury, Quality & Comfort

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